

Unlock a world of opportunities with our online MBA concentration in strategic healthcare administration. Our program is crafted to equip aspiring leaders like you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. 你是否想领导医疗机构, 推动政策改变, 或者在医疗技术方面进行创新, our MBA in strategic healthcare administration will empower you to make a meaningful impact in this vital and ever-expanding field.

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为什么选择Mount Union的战略医疗管理在线MBA?

我们灵活的在线课程吸引了不同背景的学生, 行业的见解, 和教育. 七周的课程结构, 你可以调整你的教育来适应你的个人和职业承诺, 按照自己的节奏实现目标. 以下是我们与众不同的地方:


周围都是和你一样对医疗保健充满热情的同龄人, our holistic approach integrates business strategies with in-depth examinations of healthcare policy, 道德, 和技术, 提供对行业复杂性的全面理解. 通过现实世界的项目和案例研究, 你将获得实际的见解和信心,以应对挑战正面.


制定针对医疗保健行业的高级战略. 从战略规划到质量管理, learn to effectively navigate the complexities of healthcare organizations and drive positive outcomes.


培养必要的领导力, 团队建设, 解决冲突, 以及为医疗环境量身定制的沟通技巧, 使你能够有效地领导和协作. Benefit from mentorship opportunities and real-world insights through our healthcare industry partnerships, 丰富你的学习经验,培养有价值的专业关系.

  • 36学时

    每学期两到七周的课程 (*学分)

  • 每学时695美元

    2023-2024年在线M.B.A. is $695. (折扣可用)

  • 6开始



The curriculum in our online MBA in strategic healthcare administration integrates business strategies with explorations in healthcare policy, 道德, 和技术, 提供对行业挑战的全面理解. Through dynamic coursework and practical applications that reflect the complexities of the healthcare industry, 你将准备好带着自信和专业知识在这片土地上航行.


  • 医疗保健管理的当前趋势

    The course is designed to expose students to significant current issues that impact the healthcare professional. 主题领域将包括与医疗保健管理员相关的当前问题. 主题将随着行业环境的变化而变化.

  • 医疗保健财务和预算

    This course is designed to develop knowledge of the complex and changing aspects of health care fiscal man年龄ment and the impact on processes associated with health care services in a variety of health care settings. Students will investigate the application of fiscal man年龄ment strategies in the areas of social justice issues of quality, 访问, 以及医疗保健服务的成本. 


拥有战略医疗管理的MBA学位, 你可以追求各种职业道路,比如医疗保健管理, 咨询, 健康信息管理, 政策分析或研究, 制药或医疗器械项目管理, 质量改进管理, 或者企业发展. 这个学位使你具备领导的技能, 创新, 并对医疗保健服务产生积极影响.


Mount Union’s online MBA in strategic healthcare administration degree prepares you to navigate the complexities of the field. 获得使用财务评估设施的技能, 临床, 操作数据, 策略性计划改善, and become a leader capable of driving positive change and innovation within the healthcare sector. 威尼斯人app下载关于Mount Union的MBA课程 看看它是否适合你.


  1. 所有申请者:
    • 学位/证书:认可院校的学士学位.
    • 本科成绩: 本科累积平均绩点等于或大于3.0(在4上).(0分)或平均绩点等于或大于3分.0(在4上).0级),至少有12个学分的研究生学习.
    • 经验: 提供一份简历或履历.
    • 论文写作能力: Applicants will submit an essay of a maximum of 500 words outlining the following: 1) career aspirations, 2)资格, 3)申请该项目的理由. 这篇文章应该展示候选人在研究生水平的写作能力.
    • 专业的建议: Provide one recommendation from an employer or a former professor who is in a position to judge the applicant’s potential for graduate level study and research.
    • 有条件录取的考虑: Applicants who do not meet the above criteria will be judged on a case-by-case basis and will be asked to submit additional documentation in an attempt to gain conditional admission.
  2. 持有商业学士学位或同等学历的申请人:
    • Students with a bachelor's degree in business (or those who have completed an equivalent of the business common professional core (CPC) at the undergraduate level) with a 3.选修商业基础1和2不需要GPA不低于0.
  3. 非商科学士学位申请人:
    • 具有非商业学士学位的学生, or those who have not completed an equivalent of the business common professional core (CPC) at the undergraduate level) with a 3.商业基础1和2的GPA必须达到或高于0. 本科CPC也可以通过完成适当的本科课程来满足



转学分政策: A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of graduate transfer credits will be considered for transfer credit. The course(s) must have been taken at an accredited institution and be aligned with the objectives for the Mount Union大学 course(s), 只有成绩达到B或以上的课程才会被考虑转学分. 额外的学分可以根据具体情况转移.

希望转学分的候选人必须提交正式成绩单, along with a copy of the appropriate course description from the graduate 目录ue of the respective institution; and may be asked to offer additional documentation (such as a course syllabus). 发起转移信用评估,联系博士. 安妮•克里斯托-贝克,哈佛商学院院长 christe@laimapiano.com.

托福考试要求: Applicants whose primary langu年龄 is not English must have a recent IBT (Internet- Based TOEFL) score of 100 or more in addition to meeting other program requirements.

注册订金: If admitted to the program, candidates are required to submit a non-refundable deposit of $250. 这笔押金将用于支付学费.

Mount Union大学禁止基于种族的歧视, 性别, 性别认同或表达, 性, 性取向, 宗教, 年龄, color, 信条, 国家或民族出身, 资深地位, 婚姻或父母状况, 怀孕, 残疾, 或者学生录取的遗传信息, 金融援助, 教育或运动项目, or employment as now or may hereafter be required by university policy and federal or state law. 有关遵守情况的询问可直接向人力资源厅提出, Beeghly大厅, (330) 829-6560, humanresources@laimapiano.com.