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Pathways and Articulation Agreements

威尼斯人app下载目前与以下机构和学术项目保持着衔接和衔接协议. 经常回来看看,因为目前正在探索更多的合作伙伴关系.

What are Pathways and Articulation Agreements?

衔接和衔接协议是学院和大学之间的正式合作伙伴关系,记录了学校特定学术课程的转学政策, 给学生一个预先定义的选择,以继续他们的教育.

斯塔克州立大学典型的副学士学位课程需要完成60个学分. Mount Union要求学士学位至少需要120个小时, 因此,拥有副学士学位的学生将有额外的60个学分来完成学士学位. 这取决于学生是全日制还是非全日制, 一个学士学位可以在短短两年内获得.


  1. Capital University Law School

    3+3 Political Science/Law School Partnership

  2. Case Western Reserve University

    Master of Accountancy Partnership

  3. Cleveland State University

    Bachelor's to Master's Degree Pathways

    Mount Union大学和克利夫兰州立大学(CSU)有一份衔接协议,将使Mount Union大学获得资格 engineering and physics 毕业生可以直接进入科罗拉多州立大学七个硕士学位项目之一.

    根据这一协议,威尼斯人app下载的学生毕业时的累计学分为2.该校理科学士学位的平均绩点(GPA)为75 biomedical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering 项目将有资格获得科罗拉多州立大学各自的硕士学位课程. Students graduating with a 3.0 GPA from Mount Union’s computer engineering 该项目有资格获得科罗拉多州立大学计算机科学硕士学位和软件工程硕士学位. 

    Mount Union physics students graduating with a 3.GPA为0的学生也有资格直接进入科罗拉多州立大学七个适用的硕士学位课程中的任何一个.

  4. Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C)

    The University of Mount Union and Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) 有应用科学副学士的衔接协议吗, Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, 或应用商业副学士学位完成,其中完成学士学位的转换途径是由三一学院和威尼斯人app下载共同创建和批准的.

  5. Grove City College

    威尼斯人app下载和格罗夫城市学院就威尼斯人app下载的物理治疗博士课程达成了衔接协议,威尼斯人app下载将接受所有成功完成的预修课程. If the student meets all of the articulation criteria, 该学生将收到威尼斯人app下载的面试邀请. 

  6. Kansai Gaidai

    2+2 Dual Degree Program

  7. Lorain County Community College (LCCC)

    The University of Mount Union and Lorain County Community College (LCCC) 有一个衔接协议,允许任何完成LCCC副学士学位(应用科学副学士, Associate of Arts, 或理学副学士)保证进入Mount Union攻读学士学位. Students must meet all Mount Union admission requirements. Upon admission to Mount Union, 根据大学目录,课程手册和学生手册.

    *护理有额外的入学要求标准, music, and theatre degree programs*

  8. Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)


    Early Assurance Pathway to NEOMED College of Medicine

  9. Notre Dame College

    Mount Union为圣母大学(Notre Dame College)的学生开辟了一条道路. Learn more about the Falcon to Raider Commitment program. 

  10. Ohio Northern University, Dicke Distinction Program

    Master of Science in Accounting Partnership

  11. Portage Learning

    Mount Union和Portage Learning之间的转学协议证明了Portage Learning课程的可转学性及其在Mount Union的相应课程等效性. 这为想要将Portage学习学分转移到Mount Union的学生提供了更清晰的信息,允许他们清楚地确定每门课程如何应用于他们的学习计划. Portage已经建立了自己的联合品牌登陆页面,概述了每个课程的等效性. 这些增编的修改尚未更新,但很快就会更新. 

    Landing page link:

  12. Stark State
    Communication Studies
    Criminal Justice
    Early Childhood Education
    Early Childhood Intervention Specialist
    Integrated Media
    National Security and Foreign Intelligence Analysis
    Civil Engineering
    Human Development and Family Science
    Mechanical Engineering
    SSC Pre-Med to UMU Biology


    Reverse Transfer- This reverse transfer agreement 斯塔克州立学院(SSC)和UMU之间允许学生将UMU的学分转换为SSC学分,并将这些学分用于适用的SSC学位要求. 学生必须在SSC获得20-40个非发展学分, and have their credits evaluated. Once SSC determines that all requirements are met, 学校授予副学士学位. 

  13. University of Akron, School of Law

    3+3 Political Science/Law School Partnership