chris watson headshot
chris watson headshot


Physical 教育 major

I have had the chance to meet some of the nicest and caring people in the world. I thank Mount for all of the connections I have made.


B.A. Physical 教育




I learned about Mount Union after my visit. I chose Mount Union because of the rich tradition of excelling at everything. Mount Union feels like home to me because of the people I have met. I have had the chance to meet some of the nicest and caring people in the world. I thank Mount for all of the connections I have made.


Becoming a Teacher

I chose my major because I want to work with kids. I also want to impact students the way I was impacted by prior teachers and professors. I have been able to student teach for a few semesters now. All of my student teaching has been my favorite, because I get a chance to experience what it is like to be a teacher. I also love it because the students are a joy to be around and they enjoy me as well. I would like to be a coach as well as a teacher. The University is preparing me for that because of the opportunities such as student coaching as well as student teaching.



Logan Cooper, Erin West, and Mike Gregg have all made the biggest impact on my experience so far. They have given my opportunities to step outside of my comfort zone to make my life better in the long run.