
Leah Kadlecek '24

Political science major

My long-term goal is to be an immigration lawyer. Mount Union’s law program and the connections through the professors in that department will help me build a network.


B.A., Political science 




My dad was a professor at Mount Union my whole life. I grew up around the campus and attending games and events. Although it is familiar to me, being a student was still unknown and provided and different experience than just being a professor’s kid! I would tell high schoolers looking at universities to look at your options! See what schools have to offer what clubs and activities they have that interest you. How do they create an environment that you can succeed in?


Home Away from Home

My RA my freshman year did such a great job checking in and helping my hall build relationships with each other. My professors at Mount Union check in on me and work with me to help me succeed.



I have always been interested in law and want to help people. The more I did my research on it and began classes, I knew that was what I wanted to do. My long-term goal is to be an immigration lawyer. Mount Union’s law program and the connections through the professors in that department will help me build a network. The peace building and social justice programs will also help and enable me to achieve that goal.