Rachel McKim headshot
Rachel McKim headshot

Rachel McKim, 24岁


Mount Union's excellent education department and diverse student body will prepare me to be successful in graduate school and allow me to become an educator who can teach and interact with a wide variety of students.




I heard about Mount Union from a family friend. After touring the campus and learning about all the school has to offer, I decided to commit to the University because it was beautiful and I believed it would provide me with the tools I needed to obtain success.


The advice that I would give to high school students looking at colleges and universities is to choose a school that feels like a second home and to put yourself first.

Passion for English

I chose English as my major because I have a genuine love for the subject and was inspired to pursue a career in teaching it after my AP Literature teacher made me realize I hold a true desire to inspire young minds to find their own love for literature.

Gathering Knowledge

I believe my experience with the Integrative Core will make me a better professional in my field because gaining knowledge on a wide range of subjects will allow me to better understand and appreciate the various interests of my students and colleagues.


After obtaining my master's degree, I would like to volunteer and possibly teach English in the Peace Corps, and later in the inner-city, to give every student an equal chance to be inspired and believe in their self-worth. Mount Union's excellent education department and diverse student body will prepare me to be successful in graduate school and allow me to become an educator who can teach and interact with a wide variety of students.